Dune Danse

Dune Danse – Dancing in the Desert

In 2008 I spent 3.5 weeks on a self-drive safari in Namibia. I took the following series of Emma Gilbert dancing in the dunes one morning in the NamibRand Nature Reserve. I especially like how the images convey a sense of power as if she were flying through the air effortlessly. The fact that she looks elegant and comfortable may have a lot to do with that. The backdrop of the NamibRand Reserve is also absolutely stunning.

4 responses to “Dune Danse – Dancing in the Desert”

  1. Impresionante locación,fotografías con mucha dinámica,eres muy buen fotógrafo,te invito a venir a México,encontrarás belleza en los paisajes y en la gente mexicana,felicidades

  2. Muchas gracias José. Ya me gusta mucho la gente mexicana. Fui a Oaxaca una vez cuando vivía en Tejas y también pasé tiempo en Nuevo Leon (Bustamante). Me gustaría volver alguna vez.

  3. Kley says:

    I feel proud that THE PHOTOGRAPHER HIMSELF showed me these pictures.I had the opportunity of appreciating closely his work. Great work, BTW. Congratulations! You really know how to take advantage of human nature.

  4. DATTA SAWANT says:

    Great! Very rhythmic!

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